C. Chase

SVG Logo

Hello all, this website is about learning to use HTML to create websites.
The class is called Web Design, so as you guessed, I am learning to create
websites. It is pretty fun and easy to learn too.

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

This is the link to my Snake Game that I found online: Snake Game

Links for Later

These are my links for testing and using my website...

  1. This is the link to the validator to check if the site works: Validator
  2. This is the link to the website that controls my site: Neocities
  3. That is all the links I will need for later.

Bullet-Point List

This is another type of list that we learned how to make...

Another List

This is the last type of list...

This text is bolded.
This text is italized.
This text is underlined.

List of Projects

This is a list of my projects...

  1. This is my link for my Cartoon Resume project: Batman's Resume
  2. This is my link for my Cartoon Contact Form project: Batman's Contact Form
  3. This is my link for my SVG Logo project: SVG Logo
  4. This is my link for my Movie project: Movie Project
  5. This is my link for my CSS Movie project: CSS Movie Project
  6. This is my link for my CSS Lipsum project: CSS Lipsum Project
  7. This is my link for my Final Project: Final Project